Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Plan

I woke up this morning with a plan. As I made my coffee and unloaded then loaded the dishwasher my plan seemed to fade away. But I remember the basics of it. I planned on getting up early which I did. Then I planned on logging into my online work place and checking the stats. Check mark. Then it all gets a bit foggy, but as I sit here and stare at my little itty bitty netbook sitting on my lap, I have come up with a new plan for today. As a writer and photographer, I pretty much have to sell myself to potential employers - not an easy job to do.

First things first, I'm going to search job boards looking for columnist and other types of web content writing. So far I have found NADA!!! But the day isn't over yet. I think I really struggle at writing my query letter to these companies. This time when I sent one to a potential client for a pet column I started it out with a personal touch and not the typical "I'm inquiring about your job posting.... I've worked as a writer since 2001... Blah Blah blah.." Maybe this one will get me noticed or at least my email read. Well, time to finish some house work and then get back to job searching!


Writer said...

Hi Raine,
Do you have a LinkedIn account? You could search for jobs there. It's the Facebook equivalent for professionals (this one being much better). You can even join writers group and ask if anyone needs either a writer or a photographer. By the way, is Raine Chasing a pen name or your real name? It's catchy and musical!
Have a great weekend!

Toyin O. said...

Good luck with the job search. Hope your day ended well; it is never how you start your day or life, but how you finish it that counts.

Guinevere said...

Good luck with the job searching! It's never fun, but it's unavoidable... I hope the personal touches work out for you ASAP!

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