Friday, June 4, 2010

A Trip Back in Time

I'm so glad it's finally Friday. It's not like I have any major plans for the weekend and I'm working for part of the weekend playing catch-up from the two weeks of not being able to work. Yesterday I was playing around  with my website and trying to create some really cool looks for photographs. Below I changed one of my photographs I took in May 2010 in Washington, D.C. to have the look of an 1865 photograph of the cannon across from the White House. I love old vintage looking photographs. 
Lately, I've been having trouble coming up with ideas for blogging. My novel is on hold at the moment other than maybe a paragraph or dialog piece I write in when I find the chance to or get a great idea for it. I hope to have at least half of it completed before the end of the summer although that looks nearly impossible as of right now. I hope I will find the time or the time will find me. Fingers crossed!

All photographs are copyrighted and can not be copied or used elsewhere.


Neurotic Workaholic said...

Good luck on your novel! I think that working on paragraphs or dialog pieces are a good way to approach your manuscript, because then the whole project seems less intimidating.

Guinevere said...

Neat photo! I feel ya on coming up with ideas for blogging; I just always find myself wondering if my idea for a post is really interesting enough to share.

Good luck with finding time for your novel! I hope you manage to get at least half done before the summer ends as you hope!

Talli Roland said...

Love the photo!

It is hard sometimes to come up with blogging ideas, isn't it? Sometimes I struggle too.

Callie Forester said... photo!

I hear you about the blogging. My site has forums and stuff, and we share blogging--I'm SO glad I don't have to come up with topics all the time, I don't think I could do it.

Good luck with your novel. You could join BuNoWrimo (on facebook) to get inspired. i think it's only like five days in. I'm doing it and it's lots of fun. TONS of encouragement, and you post your wordcount everyday, which is good incentive to not slack off. :)

Come over to my site and enter our contest to hone your writing skills. LOL... All you have to do is add a song lyric to the story. That's it. Just come to the site and click the blog link. First prize is a $25.00 I-Tunes card. Hope to see you over there.

Good luck with your blogging and your book! :)