Friday, April 2, 2010

It Be Friday!!!

Yes I know, bad english in my title, but hey - It's Friday!!! And boy am I glad! I thought it would never get here. Today I don't have any projects lined up, just the plan to work on my script. 3 pages so far and I think I'm at a wall, but I'm going to just write. I checked out the book "The Screenwriters Bible" yesterday at the library and at first I didn't think it would offer any valuable information at least not what I was looking for. Last night I sat down at my desk and started reading and found a direction for writing a script. So this morning I wrote one page of my script and looked back over the previous two pages and it would seem I have it formatted as it should be with a few things missing in the action parts. But that can all be written in later once I get a better idea of what I'm doing.

It's such a beautiful day outside today. Supposed to be in the 80's today. I'm so happy! I hate being inside on the nice days, but I really want to get my script written and rewritten. Then I guess I'll have to figure out what to do with it after all of that. That part of it I'm completely clueless. On the script frenzy site, we're trying to put together a writers group in Roanoke, VA and so far there are only 3 of us. I've never been a part of a writers group before, but have always wanted to be. I think it'll be fun and I'll get to meet some new people. I've lived in VA for some time now and I don't know anyone really. Just the occasional "Hi, how are you?" of people I'm acquainted with, but no true friendships here. I hate that. I miss living in New York. I had so many great friendships there. I guess people in VA are just different or maybe its the small town I live in. Most of the residents of this small town have lived here all their lives and are iffy on letting outsiders into their lives. I grew up close to this small town until I was about 11 years old, then I moved to VA Beach, then back here for my high school years. By then I was considered an outsider. Right after high school I moved to New York and Oregon, living between the two for 8 years or so. I finally moved back to VA and now I'm considered the Yankee and an outsider. Maybe that will change sooner than later. My boyfriend is considered an outsider as well since he isn't from VA. He's from TX but has lived in VA for 14 years.

Sometimes its nice to be an outsider. No one bothers you, but the downside is the "no one" part. You know what I mean. The part where no one will ask for your help or befriend you right off. Well, enough about me whining about the people of this small town. I have work to do. I figure I'll work on my script a bit then go out and plant my plants that are still sitting in their box in the window of my office. They're starting to take over the box and intertwine around each other. Once their planted maybe I'll feel better about our front yard. It looks like no one lives here since there is nothing but a barren spot in the flower bed. I'm trying to make it look lived in. Honestly, we have the worst looking yard on our road and I plan to change that this summer. We're gonna have the BEST looking yard! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Noelle! I hear you about being an "outsider." I'm also a New Yorker, living in the Atlanta area. Talk about standing out, with Yankee tattooed to my forehead!

The weather's great here today and I'll be gardening in a minute, but I wanted you to know I promoted your contest today on my blog!

Have a great day, sweetie!