(A Quick Post) – I haven’t been keeping up well with my blog. Mostly due to working on my novel. I want to have at least half of it completed by December 24, 2010 if not all of it in first draft.
I’m at a crossroads with my current WIP. I am so stuck. I have started working on my other novel, which is flowing pretty well, (knock on wood). I wonder if I should scrap it (not toss it in the recycling bin) but put it away. It seems to have no more potential as a novel, more like a short story. The one I’ve been working on all day, outlining, writing, and all of the above it has lots of potential. Tons of possibilities. I’m excited about it, but not real ecstatic if that makes sense. I get my ecstatic moments especially when a scene peeks its head out and say "Aha! That's how its going to be!" And it works. I reread what I wrote today and wow! (in a good way). Although it needs a bit of editing, but so far so good.
My new WIP (actually a story I started a few years ago) has the two main characters worked out to the fullest (almost); unlike my other novel where the main character is struggling to find herself and place in the story. I feel that TRUTH is a lost cause – at least for now. Anyhow, my new WIP is well on its way. It’s organized and so many possibilities. The main plot is plotted, the main characters are characterized, and it’s a beautiful supernatural mystery. I can’t wait to get to the good part of it.
What do you do when your WIP comes to a stand still?

If I get stuck with a story I just plow through, even if I end up writing crap. At least I get something down. But it sounds like you want to put the other one aside and concentrate on the one you have more work done on. So, I'd do that!
I take a break for a week or so and read blogs until I get motivated again. :-)
I'm usually working on several projects, so if I find myself getting stuck on one, I move it to the backburner and pick up a different story.
This works for me because it gives the "problem" story a chance to simmer in the back of my mind. Somewhere along the way I might have an "aha!" moment. At the very least, I feel refreshed and can adopt a new perspective when I pick it back up again.
I think the important thing is to keep writing, regardless if you are trying to push through or deciding to focus your attention & energy elsewhere...
I can only focus on one story at a time. So work on the one that you're most excited about, and push through any problems that might arise.
If you’re not excited about the work; it will show in your story.
I wish you well, and hope you find the way....
Hey, that is great!
I usually just set it aside for awhile and pray for a breakthrough. :)
You have a lovely blog here. Thanks for the visit and indeed the blog list.
I think one thing that helps to break the 'writing fast' is to break it up. Write an article about the subject, write something else, read material that's similar to what you're writing and soon you'll start to burst with ideas.
Writing small bits of material doesn't put the pressure on, but it validates to yourself that you can still write great content. This is enough to break the blockage.
I might try coming at a scene or chapter from a completely different angle, one I'd never think could work at first. It's amazing how changing your thinking gets the ideas flowing again. Clicked over from Nicole's, enjoyed browsing here.
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