Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blog Remodel Part 2

As you know I've been remodeling my blog. I just can't find the "right" one. You know what I mean? I like this one, but I'd much rather have a 3 column blog. If any of you awesome bloggers out there know of a place online that I can find free 3 column templates, please let me know. It seems these last two weeks both my website and my blog are in chaos when it comes to design. 

My Dreamweaver MX 2004 refuses to corporate with me. Blogger refuses to corporate with me as well when it comes to moving my gadgets around on my sidebars. It won't let me move any of them. I've tried firefox, IE, and google chrome and still can't get them to move. It's driving me up the wall. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

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