My blog is available for comments. I had to resort to using a default template from blogger. I really liked the previous one, but still for the life of me I can't figure out how to fix the comments. That really gets under my skin. On the upside of things, my WIP has found its way. I started with a funny opening and so far its building its world and story. My MC has decided to work with me (fingers crossed) instead of work against me and my MC's sidekick has dicided to step out of the spotlight and gave up trying to take the story over. Other characters are slowing emerging and making their presence without over powering my MC. I'm excited. Work is on hold today, tomorrow, and Sunday - so I figure I'll be working on my novel during these days.
Okay the comments thing should be working now.
Yay! We have a victory! :-)
Thx... Sorry your other blog didn't work.
Hope your WIP continues to grow and prosper.
It is too bad you couldn't get the other template to work for you, but the reason I stop to read has to do with your content more than anything, anyhow. I mean, a blog needn't look terribly messy or whatever, but ultimately it's the words that matter, you know?
Also, I need to mention that I'm glad to hear you decided to go with the humorous intro for your WIP. If a book has a funny beginning, the "stickiness factor" (which makes me want to keep reading...) is much higher.
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